Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Weigh-In Wednesday: Success!!

So this morning when I stepped on the scale I saw 207!  That's five pounds since last Wednesday!  I have been doing well exercising but Weight Watchers was just the kick I needed to get my eating on track.  For anyone struggling I highly recommend Weight Watchers.  I tried just counting calories and for some reason that does not work for me.  With the extra weekly points you get on Weight Watchers is allows you to enjoy going out while still being able to lose weight.

We have a wedding to attend President's Day weekend and my original goal was to be at 189, I am thinking that is not going to happen now since I didn't buckle down when I set that goal and am really just getting started.  So new goal is to be under 200, which should be doable since I have just over 2 weeks.  I don't expect to lose 5 pounds every week (wouldn't it be nice though) but I am super happy and the task now is to keep my head in the game so to speak because I tend to be a food rewarder and get lots of yummy stuff when I see a loss on the scale.

 I have decided that my 20 pound reward is going to be a new pair of running shoes.  I am hoping that 20 pounds comes right around the end of February which would also be around my birthday (Feb. 28 for those who care) so I will actually have money to buy them as well :)

With the Knoxville Half Marathon quickly approaching I have signed up for the Marietta Mardi Gras 5k on February 11th in hopes that a little competition will kick my butt into high gear.  I have a real mental problem when it comes to running and I always have.  When I am running I start thinking about why I am running when I could walk and then it becomes an internal battle to keep running, turning my music WAY up helps to drown out my inner voice but it is still a struggle.  Anyone have anything they do that helps keep them running, I am fully capable physically I just mentally struggle!

I am in week 4 of Hal Higdon's Novice Half Marathon program which means only 8 weeks until the race.   I really enjoy this program, especially since they have an iPhone app that tell me how far I have gone and how much more I have to go.  This is actually the longest I have stuck with a program on my own in a LONG time! Second 5 mile long run on Sunday we'll see how that goes.

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