Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Better Late Than Never...

So, I had planned on participating in 12 weeks to better photography when I first read about it on my friend Lindsay's blog. However, life got in the way and now everyone is beginning lesson 7 and I am just getting started with lesson 1. But as I said, better late then never! We got our camera as an early Christmas gift so that we would have it in time for Seamus's arrival, that was in December and I have really been wanting to learn how to use it and get the best pictures that I can. Having a little one really makes you want to take lots of pictures and since they move and grow so fast you don't always have a second chance at a great picture. That said, here goes the first lesson on basic aperture:

For this first picture I used a low aperture setting. I set my aperture at f4.5 and you can see that just the front rock is really in focus.

For the second picture I set the aperture at f8. You can see that the trees in the background are more in focus and you can also see some pine straw.
For the last picture I used an aperture of f22. In this picture you can see clearly all of the trees in the background as well as the pine straw.

I took all of these pictures at my parent's house on the new rock wall/patio that my dad has been working on. On to next week's lesson :)


  1. Yay!!! Great pictures! Hope you are having fun with the lessons! I am really enjoying learning more about our camera.
